Physical abuse

Physical abuse

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Physical abuse or physical violence is any direct, deliberate assault on your body.

This can also be driving dangerously, hurting your pets, or destroying property.

Physical abuse can happen to anyone, including boys, fella's and men.

Examples of physical abuse:

  • Chokes, strangles, shakes, bites, slaps, pushes, spits on, burns, punches, kicks, or pulls your hair 
  • Forces you to stay awake (i.e. doesn’t let you sleep) 
  • Drives dangerously when you are in the car
  • Harms you, your family and/or your pets
  • Smashes up the house and/or breaks furniture 
  • Makes threats to do any of the above to you or people you know

Get Help

Physical violence is very frightening and can leave you feeling alone which can make it hard for you to leave the relationship.

If you are in immediate danger call 000 for Police or Ambulance.

They will help you to leave safely and can accompany you to return later to collect your belongings.

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